4C. DNA Research
Before You Start, Educate Yourself on Basic Research Techniques
I grew tired of people trying to tell me I just didn't know enough to understand their "superior minds" at work. I, being just a simple man, just couldn't comprehend their DEEPER thoughts at work. That's why I created this blog entry. Research A million people do “research” online. So many don’t know what they are doing. Here is a quick study of the principles I use that keep me grounded. I am upset by people saying the "Melungeons" of southwestern Virginia, or Northeastern Tennessee, including parts of Kentucky and North Carolina, are Gypsies, or Portuguese, or something else. -- with only rudimentary evidence that could mean anything. They DESPERATELY need to learn how to conduct research. Learn These Concepts. Reliability -- the degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification can be depended upon to be accurate.
Validity -- Validity refers to how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure
Occam’s Razor – the principle (attributed to William of Occam) that in explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary. The principle is often invoked to defend reductionism or nominalism.
Proof – the action or process of establishing the truth of a statement.
An abundance of circumstantial evidence – Circumstantial evidence – Wikipedia -- https://en.wikipedia.org -- Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact—such as a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. – end of Wikipedia.
So an abundance of such evidence would be enough evidence to convict a person of a crime, but it could fall short of actual proof.
To fall short of actual proof -- means /=> say you are trying to prove x=y. Then we fall short of actually proving x=y if and only if we can show there exist some unique value (!) for x such that x does not equal y /=> then we have shown we can NOT prove x-y.. To prove or disprove a thing is not easy.
Standard Deviation -- If your research includes analyzing quantifiable data, know a little about mathematics. Especially learn some "Statistics and Probability Theory".. Minimum knowledge must include how to derive the standard deviation. Go to the link below and study the variables to learn how to solve the equation. If you can't perform this simple procedure -- DON'T even mention "statistical noise!" It is INPOSSIBLE for you to comprehend!
Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation Formulas (mathsisfun.com)